7 Different Types of Rest You Need

We all get tired. But rarely do we talk about the different types of rest. After being inspired by this Ted Tok post we’ve noticed how often we approach rest by just sleeping and napping alone, but that is only one type of rest. Being well-rested is easier said than done but incorporating a few different types of rest into your regular routine, may make a big difference. We’ve elaborated on the 7 different types of rest below.

1. Physical rest

When most people think of getting more rest, they start and end here. Sleeping correlates closely with how you feel. According to a recent study, 12.3% of adults who get insufficient sleep report having poor mental health compared to 5.8% of adults who get adequate sleep. In fact, 1 in 5 adults does not find their sleep refreshing.  

Tips for a better physical rest: Regular stretching, practicing yoga and daily movement help to get a better night’s sleep. Utilizing massage therapy can also have a positive impact on your physical rest, plus, you can use your Honeybee Allowance Account to cover your massage therapy sessions.    

2. Mental rest

Take a break. Taking short brain breaks throughout the day can rest your mind in an impactful way. Breaks can be taking a walk or listening to your favourite music. Start a journal to cast out your thoughts to help your brain feel more relaxed.  

3. Sensory rest

Cut out screen time and literally unplug. During our daily lives, we experience sensory overload in the form of too much blue light, unnatural light like fluorescent bulbs or too much noise.   

The solution can be as simple as cutting down or taking breaks from screens, turning off your phone especially before bedtime, turning down bright lights and spending more time in a natural environment.  

4. Creative rest

You don’t have to be an artist to be creative. Every human is creative in one way or another. Creative rest means finding what inspires you so that you can be more creative in the future.  

Tips for an inspiring creative rest: Go outside and really appreciate any nature that surrounds you. Read a new book or try drawing or crafting something new.  

5. Emotional rest

Emotional rest is especially important if you have a daily role that requires much emotional investment such as a teacher, a caregiver or even being a parent. Allow yourself to express your emotions as they come and notice the space allowed for that expression. Regularly being open to expressing your emotions and limitations can help set healthy boundaries for yourself and allow for better emotional rest.    

6. Social rest

Have you ever been in a social situation and felt completely drained from it afterward? Or, did it leave you feeling energized? Being mindful of what social interactions do to us is important in recognizing when we may need to take a social break.   

Expressing your boundaries and need for social rest without people pleasing can have a positive effect. Prioritizing being around others that allow us to be our authentic selves can help to provide the positive support you might need.

7. Spiritual rest

Consider looking into your spirituality as a method of rest. Prayer, meditation and community can all help you to feel love, acceptance, and purpose.  

Feeling fully rested is an investment in prioritization, communication and personal support. The benefits of practicing as many types of rest as often as possible can mean long-term impact.   

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What type(s) of rest do you think you need to feel fully rested? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @honeybeebenefits 


