Celebrating National Employee Benefits Day

National Employee Benefits Day is meant to give special recognition to every single administrator and advisor and celebrate the efforts they put forward in creating and maintaining a quality employee benefits packages for employees. Celebrated each year in April in Canada and the U.S., this special day was created in 2004 by The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
This year, many organizations are facing the demands of navigating both flexible and remote working environments, and what is being called, “The Great Resignation.” Companies are being called upon now more than ever to provide competitive employee packages to curb attrition and attract new talent.
Here are a few ways that your employee benefits package can be a reason for employees to consider your company over other organizations:
1. Know your employees as people, not just workers.
From employee surveys to just casual conversations, you can learn so much from your existing employees. What do they value most when it comes to employee benefits? What benefits do they use the most and what do they plan to use in the future? Chances are they have a lot in common with the people who are considering your organization. Consider using some of the answers to these questions on your careers landing page and make sure to bring them up during the interview process. Showing how you have taken employee feedback and turned it into a benefits package shows a lot about how you care for and listen to your employees.
2. Focus on the perks.
Often when companies communicate how great it is to work there, they focus on the location of the office, the culture, and the existing employees. These are all excellent selling points, but illustrating that your organization offers an Allowance Account that covers life’s extras like childcare, mental health and wellness expenses shows just how much you value your employee’s overall wellbeing.
3. Encourage your existing employees to make the most of their benefits.
It’s important to offer coverage for mental health services, wellness and even fitness classes, but if employees don’t fully utilize their benefits, then no one is getting the value of that coverage. Consider monitoring usage on a quarterly basis and offer sessions to remind your employees of all the ways that their funds can be used. Chances are they aren’t aware of how much their benefits’ coverage can do for their everyday lives.
Happy workers are not only up to 13% more productive (according to the University of Oxford), but can help to spread the word about how great working for their organization can be. They can be your biggest advocates when it comes to recruiting new talent.
The employee benefits package that your organization offers is part of your company culture and helps to make your company unique. By showing that you value existing employees and want to offer the same appreciation to new applicants, you can certainly stand out.

Learn more about Allowance Accounts
Isn't it time you discover the benefits of Allowance Accounts for yourself?
How do you let new applicants know what kind of employee benefits your organization offers? Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @honeybeebenefits.